*This post contains affiliate links and some products were provided for review. This did not change my opinion of them. They are all AMAZING!*
I almost lost my baby.
It’s hard to say it out loud. I was terrified to admit it at the time because I so badly didn’t want it to be true. It is the HARDEST thing I have ever done. Ever. I would gladly labor with 100 babies in a row than go through this again. We had 6 whole days of unknowns. Six days of watching my baby boy lay motionless, moaning in pain. I could literally do nothing. I couldn’t help him or make him better. That is one of the worst feelings ever! This journey with his heath is far from over, but we are thankful for some temporary peace.
Out of all the benefits of breastfeeding I have come up with, this has been the BEST one by far. Find out below how important this was and how to boost your milk supply!
Being able to breastfeed my baby during that horrible week SAVED ME and very likely SAVED HIM too.
With all three of my boys, once I hit 6 months, I fell into breastfeeding issues. I either had a drop in supply or issues with obstructions. My third baby was no different! I had a huge supply drop at 6 months once he started solid foods. I tried all the normal “boost your supply” tips like oatmeal and pumping. However, it only seemed to be a temporary increase and then a day or two later, it would drop again.
Formula and BF: Tag Team
I am no stranger to formula because I was forced to stop with my second child at 7 months old. So, with our third baby, I supplemented with The Honest Company organic formula pretty much from the start! I wanted to have options! Let’s be real here: I have THREE kids under 5 and things are crazy. Having formula on hand lifted a huge weight!
I am so thankful to be able to breastfeed and formula feed my youngest when my supply was low. However, I wanted so badly to breastfeed him more than formula feed. By about 7-8 months, he was getting more formula bottles and less breast milk because of my supply. This was hard for me, because of how much my youngest LOVED breastfeeding and I wasn’t ready to take it away from him. At this point I was willing to try anything. I didn’t care what I needed to do, but I wanted my supply back so my baby could choose when HE was done!
ALL the supplements!
Since the day of my youngest’s birth, I have been taking a Lecithin supplement to prevent the obstructions that stopped me from breastfeeding my second. I came into this knowing I would have to work HARD to prevent that, but I wasn’t as proactive at keeping my supply up until recently. Luckily, a few weeks before TJ was in the hospital I began researching and gathering as many supplements as I possibly could in order to boost my supply – and keep it up!
I was blown away when I first started the supplements and I pumped more than twice as much as I normally do! I was averaging about 3 ounces total from BOTH sides and my first pump after the supplements, I pumped 6 ounces on ONE side!
Since then, I have to be intentional about my water intake and consistency with the supplements but it has had a major improvement! He went from at least three formula bottles a day to only ONE. My supplement list below will boost YOUR milk supply too!
How It Saved His Life
Once my baby was officially admitted to the hospital, he had not eaten (formula or breast milk) for almost 2 days. He was on fluids from the hospital because he refused to take anything. It was scary and I missed being able to provide for my baby. Luckily, after the fluids perked him up a little and he wasn’t dehydrated, he began to eat again. THANK GOD!
The only problem was that he WOULD NOT take any formula. He screamed any time we tried putting a bottle in his mouth. I WAS TERRIFIED.
- We already had supply issues
- I was scared I wouldn’t be able to give him enough to come off of fluids and his IV
- He hadn’t eaten from me for over a day and my supply DROPPED again!
When I ran home to grab a few things and head back to the hospital, I made sure to grab my supplements!
This was ESSENTIAL! I started my supplements immediately again and I began to offer to feed my baby! He was SO hungry and it felt so good that he was interested in eating again!
I knew I needed to step up my game so that my baby was FED. I tried formula a few times (even a few different kinds) and he would scream any time we tried to put a bottle in his mouth.
It was all up to me and I knew I could do it! I finally had a purpose other than watching my baby suffer and fighting for answers for him. Breastfeeding him nonstop while using these supplements, boosted my supply right back up and it was just what he needed!
Boost Your Milk Supply
Obviously this didn’t cure him but he was eating enough to come off of the fluids and potassium transfusions! HOORAY! He was a little bit more himself after that and it was so encouraging! It gave us all the boost to keep fighting for answers! We eventually found our answer and, although the future may still be scary, we are so thankful to have our baby home AND my supply back up!
- The Basics
- Eat oatmeal
- Pump after feedings
- Drink tons of water
- Keep (or start) taking prenatals
- The Miracle Supplements
These are the amazing things that helped me and I would love to know how it helped you too! Side note: Make sure you take the recommended amount, because it makes a CRAZY DIFFERENCE!
Oh mama, I’ve been thinking about you all week. I’m so so glad to hear that you’re getting some answers and that your sweet boy is doing better ❤Sending love and prayers for your sweet famil.
Breastfeed exclusively because it’s supposed to be a feedback system. The more milk is demanded of your breasts, the more they should produce.
You can also stimulate a greater “need” for breast milk by using a breast pump after each feeding. Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids. I’ve boosted my supply through these remedies. I have also used healthy nursing tea that tastes good and boosts supply as well.