My husband and I are trying to be very intentional about responding to our children’s needs quickly. We are trying our best to try and treat our children with the attention as if they were only children. Being intentional in this way also allows us to enjoy each moment a little more slowly. It’s still hard to believe that Trenton is 5 months old!
- Is trying out solid food
- hates formula
- flew to NYC
- loves watching his brothers
- only likes his Mima rocking him to sleep
- is so much smaller than his brothers (3% on the weight charts)
- is still the happiest baby ever
- wakes up once in the night to eat
Here is a quick update of things that happened this last month:
TJ’s first halloween!
Trenton is 5 months!
Trenton in NYC!
So sweet! Love that picture of him and his teddy friend!