I love having routine! It helps me stay focused and it lowers the chance of tantrums with my boys too! I started trying to wake up early and start my day the same every day. I love sleep. And my boys sleep in most days, so it is SO hard to get up early before them. However, I love having my alone time and it charges me for the day. It helps me feel focused and balanced. For me, staying at home with my children can be challenging when I don’t have a plan every day. When my day begins with these 6 things, I am guaranteed a great start!
1. Drink Water
I feel SO good when I start my day with a few cups of water. Drinking water right in the morning can boost your metabolism, balance your lymph system, give you great skin, and increase the production of new blood cells! It’s amazing! My body will remind me when I forgot to drink water. Most of the time I will start to get a headache or lose energy and water fixes it!
2. Healthy habits, healthy products
Shower, brush, floss, lotion, deodorant… Over the last year, I have been working on switching all our household items to more natural, healthy products. There is a WONDERFUL app called ThinkDirty that rates products on how clean they are for your body! Some of the scariest products were the ones I used on my children! I was shocked! Luckily, I found brands like Young Living, Honest Co, and especially Tom’s of Maine. Tom’s never uses any artificial colors, flavors, fragrances, preservatives or animal testing! They definitely make me feel better about what I am putting on my body! I absolutely LOVE their deodorant and toothpaste! When I start my day using clean products it puts me at ease!
3. Alone time
Alone time can be SO refreshing and SO important! The days that I wake up early and have some time to myself make a world of difference! I feel like a different mom! I am more patient with my boys and more motivated to focus on them 100%. Even if it’s just 5 minutes alone with a hot cup of coffee. It really makes waking up early SO worth it.
4. Fill your body
Another way I like to start my day is by eating something healthy before anything else (other than water). One of my favorite ways to start my day is with a bowl of yogurt and granola! YUM! Stonyfield Organics is another brand that I trust and I feel safe feeding to my family! Their yogurt is SO good! It is organic and it has yummy whole milk versions that are perfect for my kids! They love the yogurt tubes right when they wake up! Plus it is a quick and easy option for my almost two year old who needs to eat the second he opens his eyes! Filling your body with healthy food gives you the energy you need to start your day!
5. Fill your soul
Another part of my morning routine includes reading my bible and journaling a bit if I have time. This focuses me and encourages me more than any other part of my day! Giving up my morning (and day) to God is necessary! He is the one who is molding me into the mother I want to be for my children and I can only do that by being devoted to Him and His Word. This part of my healthy morning routine allows me to think about how I am doing as a follower of Jesus, a mom, and a wife and how I can improve and become more like Jesus in all of my roles. That is my ultimate goal and I can only get closer to that by diving into His Word every morning and praying for Him to help and guide me.
6. Plan
Lastly, I pull out my planner and check what needs to be done that day! I have blogging goals, play dates, and even chores written down in my planner so I don’t forget! As a mom of three crazy boys, my planner SAVES ME from missing so many appointments and goals! I don’t know what I would do without it!
What is your #1 thing that focuses you and energizes you each morning? Do you get up early before your kids?
*This post was created in partnership with Stonyfield and Tom’s of Maine. As always, all opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that keep this blog running!*
your morning routine looks a whole lot like mine!! love this, girl!
I love reading other people’s morning routines. Ours are very similar! It makes such a difference in your day.
I love your morning routine. We are huge fans of Stonyfield and Tom’s of Maine! Jack loooove the birthday cake yogurt. So good!
Your morning looks a lot like mine! Love your photographs too!
My kids wake up at 6 a.m., so we all get up together, but I do also love to drink water first thing and then I get my joy from that first cup of coffee. Heavenly.
Great tips! Thank you for sharing your routine!
These are great tips. I totally agree that when I have a little bit of time for myself in the morning it makes all the difference in my day! And planning out the day ahead is huge too, love organizing my thoughts.