The decision about starting solids is a big one! Do your research and feel out your babe to find out if they are ready! Once you suspect they are ready, here are 5 things to know before starting solid foods – and specifically why Gerber Cereal is important! (And HEY: maybe this 10% off coupon with Target’s Cartwheel App will convince you) 😉
1. Check for signs of readiness
I didn’t think TJ was ready until my friends and I went to NYC and he would watch us eat! He is 5 months old and I normally wouldn’t start this early but we felt he was ready. He is on the smaller side and we felt it might help him gain a little weight too! I love this article from KellyMom that explains more about solid food readiness! TJ would also move the food around in his mouth instead of sucking or pushing the food out with his tongue. That was another sign for us! We are starting really slow and making sure he is getting lots of milk but it is a fun new step!
2. Don’t forget the basics
Another fun thing about starting solids is getting to buy more baby accessories! Like adorable bibs, bowls, and spoons! I love getting to pick out fun stuff to make the experience more exciting! This is a big new step and it’s okay to splurge a little and be excited!
3. Mix-a Mix-a
Sometimes it can be confusing to know what to mix the cereal with – I know I was when I was a first time mom. I had no idea what to mix it with! We had a little bit of frozen breast milk, so I defrosted that and used it to mix the cereal! This gave TJ a familiar taste with the oatmeal that we know he likes 🙂 You could also make a formula bottle and mix that in with the cereal! Whichever taste your baby prefers!
4. The three Day Rule
Another quick tip to remember when starting solids is to wait three days! That means, once your baby tries Gerber Cereal, use it once a day for three days to test out reactions. You should do the same when you introduce fruits and veggies too! Remember: one at a time and wait three days. 🙂
5. Choose the best
My boys love to go to Target! My almost-two-year-old will either say “How bout park?” or “How bout Target?” Each time we pull into a parking lot – hoping it will be one of the two. Target is a fun trip for the whole family! Mom gets to “lock” her children in the cart and sip coffee while walking the aisles! HAHA! We ventured out to Target and held TJ while choosing which Gerber Cereal we wanted to try first!
Some of the amazing-ness that comes out of Gerber Cereals:
- No artificial colors or flavors
- 2 servings have 90% of baby’s daily iron
- Made with calcium and lots of vitamins!
Gerber Cereals are a great source of Iron. Iron will help with your babies brain development – which is SO important, especially after 6 months old! Try out Gerber Cereals with this AMAZING 10% off coupon with the Target Cartwheel app!
I love the tips ! And yes the three day rule is crucial ??
Really great information . And your pics are so cute.
We love Gerber baby food and cereal!
This is great information that I will keep in mind for when I have children. Thank you for sharing!
Cheers, J
We love gerber so much!! Thanks
These are such great tips! I have used Gerber oatmeal with all of my babies!
Such great ideas! Funny enough, my EBF baby REFUSED to have cereal with my pumped milk! Shouldn’t have surprised me because she also refuses to take a bottle of my breastmilk. lol. However, she LOVES mixed cereal with her baby food!
Great tips! especially the 3 day rule, so important!
Great info! I’m bookmarking this for sure! Thank you for sharing!
Such great tips!! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Wish I had this when Izzy was younger
great tips!