My littlest boy, Trenton is 3 months old!
This last month has been so much fun! I love watching him grow and develop new skills.
TJ has learned to laugh, he can roll over from his stomach to his back, and he has learned to soothe himself sometimes by sucking on his thumb.
Trenton is seriously the happiest baby ever. TJ smiles at everyone and is so content. He sleeps around 10 hours every night and will fall asleep on his own. He is like some kind of miracle baby.
His older brothers love it when I stand him up and make him dance. They will kiss him all the time and make sure he is okay when he cries.
I am so in love with these boys and I am so blessed to be their mama.
Here is fun little picture update on what he has been up to – which mostly includes laying around and being adorable:
He LOVES his big brothers and if he was big enough, I can already tell he wants to do everything they do.
When you have older brothers.
Breastfeeding him is SO easy and such a blessing. It has been HEALING for me emotionally from my previous experiences.
He looks so much like his daddy!
My rolling machine!
He LOVE this wrap. And IKEA. Well maybe it’s just me that loves IKEA but he likes being with me so that’s the same 😉
AWWWWW. (Insert heart eye emoji!)
Oh man. My heart. He is adorable when he does this.

|Fox Rattle: c/o Finn+Emma|
I can’t wait to see what you will learn and how you will grow in the next month! I love you my sweet sweet Trenton James!