Where we live, it tends to rain A LOT. 😉
I love the rain and it doesn’t bother me one bit. However, it is difficult sometimes when my toddler has so much energy he can’t get out because we are inside most of our days.
I love doing little activities with him because it helps keep him busy and it planned activities tend to relax him a little bit. He doesn’t like to do one thing for too long, but when we are able to do some new activities, he will participate and sit still (for a little while).
The last week or so, he kept reminding me that he wanted to finger paint. I love doing crafts with him, but sometimes put them off if they are too messy because I’m worried it will take to much to clean. However, I always remind myself that he is a child and he learns through play. He’s a boy and he is always going to be messy and I need to accept that 🙂 (especially now that I have TWO boys).
SO- I let it go and I said yes! So we spent some of today doing crafts and finger painting! And you know what?! It wasn’t so bad! He didn’t make too much of a mess and he had so much fun!
Here is a little bit of our day:
That is his face when he is asked to take a picture. It happens often, actually…
I love that sweet sassy face!
My advice for this rainy day:
Take some time to
- get messy
- let your toddler get messy
- wash off in the rain
- come inside
- drink some tea
- cuddle and read Goodnight Moon 100 times in a row or watch Avengers. (Both per Josiah’s request)
Let go and forget about the messes and take time to spend the day with your littles!