When I think over the last two years, I am amazed by just how fast it actually went. Everyone always tells you “It will go by fast”, but you don’t realize it until you experience yourself and you stop for a moment and see how much has changed in the last two years.
I remember the time you were growing inside of me like it was yesterday. I remember being pregnant with you and not being able eat almost anything the whole first three months. I can recall the first time I felt the beautiful little flutters inside of me that told me you were in there. I remember thinking about what you would look like, how you would act, and what your personality would be like. I remember how nervous I was when you broke my water and we knew your arrival was imminent. I remember, so vividly, pulling you out on to my chest and looking into your little eyes for the first time.
I remember those sleepless nights, breaking down and giving you bottled breast-milk because breastfeeding just seemed too hard at the moment. I remember panicking, waking up after your first time sleeping through the night and finding you fast asleep. It seems like just yesterday you were learning to hold your own head up, rolling over, and trying your first foods. I remember cheering you on, watching you crawl and walk for the very first times.
You are TWO now though and those things seem like just yesterday and so long ago, all at the same time. You love Spiderman, singing Jesus Loves Me at bedtime, and you LOVE making people laugh. You are hilarious, you are fascinated with cars, and your grandpa is probably your favorite person. You love watching Daniel Tiger, you love to read, and you think football is the greatest thing ever. You want to do most things yourself, you are almost fully potty trained, and I still melt every time you say “mama”.
I love you Josiah Samson. I love being your mommy more than you will ever know. I love being the one who grew you. I love being the only one who could feed you for your first 6 months. I love being the one who you run to when you are hurt, the one who’s leg you grab for when you are scared, and the first girl you will ever love. I love every single moment we have shared so far in your first two years on this earth.
From our first moments:
So, my little two year old…
I will try to be the best mommy I can for you. I will try to be there with you in every moment, so I don’t miss a thing. I will try not to think about my stresses and my to-do list, because I know that you need me. I want to embrace the fact that you do need me, for I do not know the day when you will not need your mommy any more.
“So while you are living in these times, remember there are only so many of them and when they are gone, you will yearn for just one more day of them.”
I found this pin on Pinterest tonight and was completely moved! You expressed my same feelings about my little one who will be turning two in June. Thank you for the beautiful read! -Amber from Utah
Thank you so much! It is such an emotional time but so wonderful 🙂 Enjoy it!