My baby boy is 15 months and 3 days old today. It is hard to believe sometimes that I have a TODDLER. I remember when he could hardly hold his head up, the first time he said da-da, and the rush of joy and love I felt when HE wanted to kiss ME for the first time.
I found this old picture that was taken a year ago. J was barely 3 months old.
and here he is yesterday at 15 months old:
That same amazing smile that lights up his (and everyone else’s) face. That same soft face and beautiful brown hair.
The same blue-gray eyes, just like his mommies. The same silly attitude and olive skin like his daddies.
I love seeing the little boy that he is growing up to be (even if it is a little naughty every now and then!) 😉 I wouldn’t trade him for the world and I am SO blessed to be able to stay home with him and enjoy every second taking in his AWESOME-ness.
Just needed to get that out. I am a little emotional right now. Why do they have to grow up so quickly?!